How to Hide Music Sticker on Instagram Story in 2023: A Simple Guide for iOS, Android, and iPhone

If you know about How to Hide Music Stickers on Instagram Story then your search ends here. Instagram Stories have developed into a wonderful platform for us to share our everyday experiences with friends and fans. Adding your favorite songs to your stories with the music sticker is a fun tool. Sometimes, though, you might wish to make the music sticker transparent or keep it concealed. Perhaps you want to surprise everyone with a song that you share without them knowing in advance. We’ll walk you through hiding the music sticker on Instagram Stories on iPhone, iOS, and Android in this guide. We’ll also go over how to hide lyrics, reels, and Instagram posts from playing music. Let’s get started.

instagram story

Using Instagram Story to Hide Music Stickers on iPhone and iOS

1. Open Instagram: Launch the Instagram app on your iPhone or iOS device.
2. Create a Story: Swipe right on your Instagram feed or tap your profile picture to create a new Story.
3. Add Music: Select a photo or video, then swipe up to reveal the music sticker icon. Add your desired song.
4. Adjust the Sticker: To hide the music sticker, tap on it to select it. Then, use the slider to reduce the size of the sticker until it’s almost invisible. To keep it hidden, you can also drag it around at a distance.
5. Share Your Story: Once you’re satisfied with the placement, share your story as usual. We’ll put your music sticker away with discretion.

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How to Remove a Music Sticker from an Android Instagram Story

1. Open Instagram: On your Android device, launch the Instagram app.
2. Create a Story: Swipe right on your Instagram feed or tap your profile picture to create a new story.
3. Add Music: Choose a photo or video, and then tap on the music sticker icon to add your chosen song.
4. Customize the Sticker: To hide the music sticker, tap it to select it. Then, adjust the sticker size to make it as small as possible. It can also be moved to a discrete place in your story.
5. Share Your Story: Once you’ve made the sticker nearly invisible, share your story, and the music sticker will remain discreet.

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How to Make Music Sticker Transparent on Instagram Stories

1. Select Your Song: Add your desired song to your story using the music sticker as mentioned above.
2. Customize Opacity: To make the music sticker transparent, select the sticker and look for an opacity or transparency option (usually represented by a slider or percentage). Change this value until the sticker almost disappears.
3. Share Your Story: After making the sticker transparent, share your story to showcase your creativity subtly.

How to Add a Song to Your Instagram Story Without Them Knowing

To show off a song on your Instagram Story and surprise your followers without telling them ahead of time, use these steps:

1. Disable Sharing to Stories: Go to your music streaming app settings and turn off the “Automatically share to Stories” option.
2. Create Your Story: Add the song you want to your story using the music sticker, following the steps mentioned above.
3. Customize Visibility: Adjust the sticker’s size or make it transparent, keeping it hidden until you’re ready to share your story.
4. Share Privately: When your story is ready, share it privately with specific friends or close followers rather than making it public. This way, only those you choose to share it with will see the song.

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How to Hide Music from a Post or Reel on Instagram

Instagram posts and reels also allow you to add music. To hide the music title:

1. Select Your Media: Choose the photo, video, or reel you want to post.
2. Add Music: Tap the music icon, select your song, and customize the sticker size or opacity as desired.
3. Adjust Sticker: Place the music sticker in a corner or make it transparent to hide the music title.
4. Share Your Post or Reel: Share your content with the hidden music sticker as planned.

How to Keep Instagram Story Music Lyrics Hidden

One interesting approach for communicating with your Instagram Story’s followers is to hide the words of songs. Here’s how:

1. Choose Your Song: Add the song with lyrics to your story using the music sticker.
2. Position the lyrics: Carefully adjust the sticker to cover the lyrics while keeping them hidden.
3. Share Your Story: Your followers will see the song, but the lyrics will remain a surprise until they view your story.

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You now understand how to make the music sticker on your iPhone, iOS, and Android Instagram Story disappear. Additionally, you now know how to make it transparent, surprise your followers with music, and even obfuscate the presence of music in posts, reels, and lyrics. You can express your creativity and have fun with your Instagram stories by using these tips. So go ahead and reveal your music preferences while keeping your fans in excitement!

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1. Can I hide the music sticker on Instagram Story for Android and iOS?
Yes, you can hide the music sticker on Instagram Story for both Android and iOS devices.

2. How do I make the music sticker transparent on Instagram Story?
To make the music sticker transparent, select the sticker and adjust the opacity or transparency setting until it becomes nearly see-through.

3. Is there a way to add a song to my Instagram Story without revealing it beforehand?
Yes, you can add a song to your Instagram Story without revealing it by disabling the “Automatically share to Stories” option in your music streaming app settings.

4. Can I hide music on Instagram posts and reels?
Yes, you can hide music on Instagram posts and reels by adjusting the sticker’s size or making it transparent.

5. How can I hide music lyrics on my Instagram Story?

You can hide music lyrics on your Instagram Story by carefully positioning the sticker to cover the lyrics while keeping them hidden.

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