Ravi Kumar Sihag: A Remarkable Journey to Becoming an IAS Officer:2021

Ravi Kumar Sihag: A Remarkable Journey to Becoming an IAS Officer

Ravi Kumar Sihag, a name that shines as an epitome of success and determination, cleared the highly esteemed UPSC examination securing the 18th rank nationwide, thereby achieving the prestigious title of an IAS officer at the youthful age of 28. Hailing from the rustic village of Sri Ganganagar in Rajasthan, Sihag’s journey to success has been awe-inspiring and exemplary.

Early Life and Childhood

Ravi Kumar Sihag early life was rooted in the simplicity of rural living. He spent his childhood amidst farming activities and the care of his family’s cows. Despite these responsibilities, his enthusiasm for learning was evident from an early age. He consistently displayed exceptional academic prowess, emerging as a school topper and capturing the admiration of his peers.

Academic Achievements and Background

Ravi Kumar Sihag academic journey is marked by excellence. He completed his 10th grade with an impressive 95% and his 12th grade with a remarkable 97%. Subsequently, he pursued his higher education, attaining a graduation degree from Anupgar College. His dedication shone through, as he achieved an impressive 75% in his graduation, specializing in political science, English literature, and economics.

Ravi Kumar Sihag

Dreaming of an IAS Officer

Upon completing his graduation, Ravi Kumar Sihag set his sights on becoming a government employee. His aspiration aligned with the revered Indian Administrative Service (IAS), which he saw as a path to contribute significantly to society. The allure of serving the nation in such a substantial capacity fueled his determination to conquer the UPSC examination.

Choosing His Path: The Optional Subject

Selecting the right optional subject is a critical decision in UPSC preparation. Ravi Kumar Sihag deliberations led him to opt for Hindi literature, a subject that resonated with him on various levels. His research into the choices of successful Hindi medium toppers solidified his decision, setting him on a course that would ultimately lead to triumph.

Preparing for Current Affairs: A Unique Approach

Ravi Kumar Sihag method of preparing for current affairs was unconventional yet effective. Instead of relying on traditional newspapers, he embraced the digital age by following the Dhristi current affairs website. He diligently noted down pertinent questions and answers in a dedicated notebook, supplemented by references from the Vision IAS PT365 book.


Overcoming Challenges: Battling Depression and Negativity

Ravi Kumar Sihag journey was not devoid of challenges, as he candidly admitted to facing bouts of depression during his UPSC preparation. His coping mechanism was to seek solace in the support of friends and family, turning to those who could uplift and motivate him. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of taking breaks and prioritizing mental well-being during such testing times.

Strategies for Success: The Study Routine

Ravi Kumar Sihag disciplined study routine served as a cornerstone of his success. He meticulously divided his day, dedicating early morning hours for workout and rejuvenation. His study sessions spanned from 7 am to 8 pm, interspersed with strategic breaks to maintain focus and efficiency. This meticulous approach allowed him to absorb and retain information effectively.

A Digital Detour: Letting Go of Social Media

Understanding the pitfalls of distraction, Ravi Kumar Sihag made a significant sacrifice in his preparation journey – he bid farewell to social media platforms. Recognizing the potential time sink that they posed, he deactivated his Facebook and Instagram accounts, ensuring that his dedication to his studies remained unswayed.

Triumph Over Attempts: The UPSC Clearing Journey

Sihag’s tenacity was epitomized by his four attempts to clear the UPSC examination. His initial efforts in 2018 and 2019 yielded promising results but fell short of the IAS rank. Even amidst the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, he refused to be deterred. It was in 2020 that his unwavering commitment paid off, securing an impressive AIR rank of 16 and realizing his dream of becoming an IAS officer.

Ravi Kumar Sihag: Click Here

Ravi Kumar Sihag IAS Officer 2021

A Glimpse into His UPSC Marksheet

Sihag’s marksheets tell a story of consistent effort and dedication:

Essay: 143

General Studies 1: 98

General Studies 2: 118

General Studies 3: 91

General Studies 4: 117

Optional 1 (Hindi Literature): 144

Optional 2 (Hindi Literature): 140

Written Total: 851

Personality Test: 171

Final Total: 1022

The Pathway of Knowledge: Sihag’s Booklist

Sihag’s UPSC preparation was bolstered by a comprehensive booklist:
GS1: Ranging from Freedom Struggle to World History, Art & Culture to Geography, and Social Issues.
GS2: Encompassing Constitution and Polity, Governance, and International Relations.
GS3: Covering Environment, Economy, Internal Security, Disaster Management, and Science & Technology.
GS4: Focusing on Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude.

The Financial Perks: IAS Officer Salary Breakdown

As an IAS officer, Ravi Kumar Sihag enjoys a structured salary package:
Basic Pay: 87,700
HRA: 17,248
DA: 13,509
TA: 4,600
DA on TA: 712
Gross Salary: 120,769
Deductions (NPS & CGEGIS): 8,951
Net Gross Salary: 91,818
Government Contribution: 14,089

Ravi IAS Officer

The Enigma of His Personal Life

While Ravi Kumar Sihag has yet to embrace marital life, rumors hint at a possible girlfriend. However, he remains private about such matters, keeping the details of his personal life shrouded in mystery.

In the tapestry of Ravi Kumar Sihag’s journey, determination, discipline, and unwavering focus stand out as guiding threads. From humble beginnings to achieving the remarkable title of an IAS officer, his story is one of inspiration and triumph.

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