Shruti Sharma IAS: Embodiment of Resilience and Success AIR 1


Shruti Sharma IAS: Embodiment of Resilience and Success AIR 1

Shruti Sharma, a remarkable individual, hailing from the quaint town of Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, has achieved what many dream of – becoming an IAS officer. Her journey is a testament to determination, dedication, and triumph over adversities.

Early Life and Inspiration

Born in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, Shruti Sharma’s roots are deeply embedded in this quaint town. Her father, Samir Sharma, served as a school teacher, while her mother, Rachna Sharma, dedicated her life to homemaking. It’s intriguing to note that Shruti’s mother nurtured an aspiration of becoming an IAS officer herself. However, due to financial constraints, she couldn’t pursue her dream. This unfulfilled dream became the driving force behind her encouragement for Shruti to pursue the IAS path.

Education and Early Ambitions

Shruti’s journey towards her dream began with the highest educational standards. Her mother, having secured a first-class MSC degree, imbued in her daughter the significance of academic excellence. It was clear from the outset that Shruti was destined for greatness. Her educational journey culminated in her graduation from Delhi’s prestigious St. Stephen’s College.

Passion and Determination: Overcoming Challenges

Shruti’s unwavering dedication to her goal became evident when she decided to take the UPSC examination. Following the completion of her graduation, she embarked on her UPSC journey. However, the road was not without its hurdles. During her rigorous preparation, she contracted COVID-19 just before the main examination. Undeterred by the setback, she continued to study through her illness, demonstrating her remarkable resilience.

Shruti Sharma

Academic Excellence and Persistence

Shruti’s academic prowess was evident throughout her educational journey. She secured an astounding 98% and 95% in her 10th and 12th-grade examinations, respectively. Graduating with a commendable 68% in history, she demonstrated her deep understanding of the subject.

UPSC Journey: Triumph Over Trials

Shruti’s journey through the UPSC examinations was marked by tenacity and determination. Taking two attempts to achieve her dream, she encountered various challenges along the way. In her first attempt, technical issues disrupted her examination experience. However, this did not deter her spirit. The following year, with remarkable resolve, she clinched the first position across India, a testament to her exceptional aptitude.

Guidance and Preparation

Shruti’s approach to UPSC preparation was disciplined and strategic. She drew upon various resources for guidance, including Byju’s tablet program, which provided her with invaluable support. Additionally, she received coaching from Jamia Residential Coaching Academy, a government-sponsored initiative, and she opted for history as her optional subject due to her deep familiarity with the subject matter.


Study Regimen and Success Formula

Shruti’s success was nurtured by her rigorous study regimen. She invested over 9 hours a day in her studies, an approach anchored in discipline and consistency. These qualities, she emphasized, were vital for anyone aspiring to conquer the UPSC examination.

Earning Recognition: UPSC Achievement

Shruti’s hard work bore fruit as she achieved remarkable scores in her UPSC examination. Her subject-wise scores were as follows:

 Essay (Paper I): 132
 General Studies 1 (Paper II): 119
 General Studies 2 (Paper III): 128
 General Studies 3 (Paper IV): 108
 General Studies 4 (Paper V): 139
 Optional 1 (History) (Paper VI): 150
 Optional 2 (History) (Paper VII): 156

Her total score stood at an impressive 1105 after including her personality test score of 173.

Shruti Sharma: Click Here

Insights into Preparation: Booklist and Strategy

Shruti’s comprehensive preparation strategy encompassed a well-curated booklist and meticulous planning. Her subject-wise booklist for General Studies 1, 2, 3, and 4 included a mix of historical texts, contemporary resources, and coaching academy notes. Her approach demonstrated a holistic understanding of the diverse topics encompassed by the UPSC syllabus.

Mastering Current Affairs and Reading Habits

Current affairs played a pivotal role in Shruti’s preparation. She drew insights from Jamia Residential Coaching Academy’s current affairs notes and newspapers. Her primary source of news was The Hindu, supplemented by India Express towards the conclusion of her preparation. By focusing on pertinent news segments, she optimized her time and knowledge acquisition.

Future Prospects: Awaiting the Journey Ahead

Currently undergoing training at the LBSNAA, Shruti Sharma’s potential awaits full realization. The Indian government, upon completion of her training, will assign her a posting. Until then, she remains dedicated to her growth and the fulfillment of her IAS responsibilities.

Shruti Sharma IAS

Financial Aspects: IAS Compensation

Shruti Sharma’s success isn’t solely measured in her accomplishments, but also in the financial benefits that accompany her position. Her IAS compensation, including various allowances, stands as follows:

Basic Pay: 77,700
House Rent Allowance (HRA): 17,248
Dearness Allowance (DA): 13,509
Travel Allowance (TA): 4,600
DA on TA: 712
Gross Salary: 113,769
Deductions (NPS and CGEGIS): 8,951
Net Cross Salary: 104,848
Government Contribution: 12,089


Shruti Sharma’s journey from Bijnor to achieving the first rank in the UPSC examination is a narrative of diligence, passion, and unyielding determination. Her ability to navigate challenges with grace and maintain her commitment to her dream sets her apart as an inspirational figure. In every sense, Shruti Sharma exemplifies the potential of an individual driven by their aspirations.

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